
AutoType provides a means for you to easily and quickly enter user name and password information. This feature is typically used as follows:

  1. Browse to the site that you want to login to.
  2. Click on the first field that needs to be filled (typically the 'username' or 'login' field).
  3. Switch to Password Safe, select the entry corresponding to the website
  4. Invoke AutoType (via Control-T or right-click and selecting 'Perform Autotype'.
  5. This causes the user name and password to be entered and submitted.
By default, the formula followed by the automated keystrokes is as follows: the user name, followed by a tab key, followed by the password, another tab, and then the enter key (username TAB password TAB ENTER). This works fine for most web sites that require username/password authentication.

For web sites or applications that require different data, you can tailor the AutoType behaviour as described in the Customizing AutoType section below. Note that you can also customize the default AutoType text via the Misc. tab in the Options dialog box. This can be useful if, for example, the default AutoType timing is too fast for your machine.

In addition, you can invoke AutoType after running an arbitrary command specified in the entry's Run Cmd field. This is a very convenient combination.

Note: If an entry has been selected due to a Find action, then the menu item "Perform AutoType" (and its shortcut if still defined) will use the information of this entry. However, if another entry is then selected, even though there is the found entry is still highlighted, the information of the newly selected entry will be used instead.

Using AutoType

  1. Place cursor in the form's username field
  2. Maximize or open Password Safe
  3. Select a password entry
  4. Ctrl+T or right-click and select Perform AutoType or click on the Toolbar button to initiate.

Customizing AutoType

For web sites or applications that do not have the username field followed by the password field followed by the login button, you can modify the behavior by filling in the entry's "AutoType" field with text that specifies the desired behavior as follows:

For Windows only, the following special control codes are also implemented:

\{Enter}Enter key
\{Up}Up-arrow key
\{Down}Down-arrow key
\{Left}Left-arrow key
\{Right}Right-arrow key
\{Home}Home key
\{End}End key
\{PgUp}Page-up key
\{PgDn}Page-down key
\{Tab}Tab key
\{Space}Space bar

The special control code between the curley brackets is not case sensitive and is unaffected by the presence of the "\z" AutoType field.

In addition, the following modifiers can be combined with the above special control codes. These must precede the code and can be combined in any order. They are:

!Alt key
^Control key
+Shift key

For example:
"\{+Tab}" is equivalent to "Shift+Tab"
"\{+^Tab}" is equivalent to "Ctrl+Shift+Tab"
"\{^Home}" is equivalent to "Control+Home".

Shortcuts and Aliases


AutoType of a shortcut uses the AutoType string of its base entry. The values substituded in that string, e.g., \p for password, come for the shortcut's base entry, except for the fields that can be set for the shortcut itself, namely its group, title and user.


The AutoType string and all entry variables except the current password (\p) and previous password (\q) come from the alias entry. These come from the alias's base entry.

Default AutoType

The default autotype sequence in Password Safe is \u\t\p\n. This default can be changed via the Manage/Options menu (Misc. tab).


Example 1: The following can be used where the bank account number (12345) must be entered before the user and password:


Example 2: The following, sent in by a user, clears the username field before username and password autotype begins. Non-empty username fields are very common. Some sites remember the username even when the user does not want it to or user forgets to clear the don't remember username and, because of browser cookies, it is remembered anyway, or if login fails for whatever reason on the first attempt the username would still remain. This autotype sequence is meant to ensure that the user doesn't have to clear the username field first.


Example 3: The following sequence, also sent in by a user, toggles a checkbox (e.g., disables keeping you logged in):

\#\t \#
Note: You may need more tabs ('\t') in order to get to the desired checkbox on any particular webpage. Also, please see above on possible issues when using the '\z' field.

Note: If you are having problems with AutoType, you might want to disable 3rd-party popup-blockers. Users have reported problems with the interaction of popup-blockers with the AutoType functionality.