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2005 History

PasswordSafe was originally designed by Bruce Schneier and released as a free utility application. Since then, it has evolved considerably. The following table has links to pages detailing the release history of PasswordSafe since the project was made open source. This can be useful for seeing what features were added and what bugs were fixed since a given release.

Year Releases
2023 3.62-3.64.1
2022 3.59-3.61
2021 3.55-3.58
2020 3.52-3.54.1
2019 3.49-3.51
2018 3.45-3.48
2017 3.42-3.44
2016 3.38.1-3.41
2015 3.36-3.38
2014 3.33-3.35
2013 3.31-3.32
2012 3.28-3.30
2011 3.25-3.27
2010 3.21-3.24.1
2009 3.16-3.20
2008 3.12-3.15.1
2007 3.06-3.11.1
2006 2.16-3.05.02
2005 2.08-2.15
2004 2.0-2.07
2003 1.91-1.92c
2002 First Open Source release

29 December 2005

PasswordSafe 2.15 is available for download. This release fixes some minor problems and adds a couple of minor features.

Thanks to DK and  Laszlo Gombos for their help in making this version.

Thanks also to Alexander Schönfeld for making a German version of the executable and help file available.

Bugs fixed in 2.15 New features for 2.15

25 November 2005

PasswordSafe 2.14 is available for download. This release fixes some minor problems and adds a couple of minor features.

Thanks to DK and  Laurion Burchall for implementing fixes and new features in this version.

Bugs fixed in 2.14 New features for 2.14

22 October 2005

PasswordSafeSWT 0.4 - the Java port of PasswordSafe: In response to feedback this new version (0.4) fixes a number of annoying bugs from the 0.3 release. In particular:

Thanks to Glen for his work on this.

30 September 2005

PasswordSafeSWT 0.3 - the Java port of PasswordSafe - is now available for download for Linux, Mac and Win32 platforms. This version is capable of reading and writing 1.x and 2.x file formats making it broadly compatible with the native Windows version. It is still early days for this release and all feedback is very welcome. On CVS, the code is under pwsafe/Java/PasswordSafeSWT. Thanks to Glen for his work on this.

5 September 2005

It seems that a bug was introduced in PasswordSafe 2.12 that would result in the application crashing when unlocking the database after minimize if a group was expanded at the time of the lock/minimize. Release 2.13 fixes this bug. No other features have been added.

Thanks to Nigel Pentland for his help in tracking this down.

27 August 2005

PasswordSafe 2.12 is available for download. This release fixes some minor problems and adds a couple of minor features. Thanks to DK and to Karl Student for implementing fixes and new features in this version, and to Sebastian Juergens for his work on the help file.

Bugs fixed in 2.12 New features for 2.12

29 May 2005

PasswordSafe 2.11 is available for download. This release fixes some minor problems, and adds a couple of new features. Thanks to DK for his help on this release.

Bugs fixed in 2.11 New features for 2.11

10 April 2005

PasswordSafe 2.10 is available for download. This release fixes some minor problems, and adds a couple of new features, most noticibely a configurable hotkey.

Bugs fixed in 2.10 New Features for 2.10

25 March 2005

Int24h has translated the text in the sources to French. Both the source and an installation package are available for downloading.

1 March 2005

Andriulo Tommaso (www.saxa.org) has updated the Italian version to 2.09. This version was created by directly modifying the executable - the same 2.09 source applies.

21 February 2005

PasswordSafe 2.09 is available for download. This release provides a re-implementation of the locking mechanism which addresses many of the problems that arose with the previous version. (Thanks to Frank (xformer) for helping out with the new locking mechanism.). Kimmo 'Yodakoski' Koskinen has updated the Finnish version as well. The installer and sources may be downloaded from http://tinyurl.com/6anvt and http://tinyurl.com/5lrqk, respectively.

Bugs fixed in 2.09 New Features for 2.09

When saving a database, the previous version, if one exists, will be renamed with the ".dat~" suffix. This provides some minimal automatic backup.

25 January 2005

20 January 2005

PasswordSafe 2.08 is available for download. This release adds support for multiple and read-only access to the same database, and fixes a few minor bug:

Bugs fixed in 2.08 New Features for 2.08

[1094005,1083950] Multiple instances of PasswordSafe can now open the same database - only the first instance will be able to modify the database, unless explicitly opened read-only.

Thanks to the passwordsafe-devel mailing list for a good discussion on implementing the file locking mechanism.

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