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2011 History

PasswordSafe was originally designed by Bruce Schneier and released as a free utility application. Since then, it has evolved considerably. The following table has links to pages detailing the release history of PasswordSafe since the project was made open source. This can be useful for seeing what features were added and what bugs were fixed since a given release.

Year Releases
2023 3.62-3.64.1
2022 3.59-3.61
2021 3.55-3.58
2020 3.52-3.54.1
2019 3.49-3.51
2018 3.45-3.48
2017 3.42-3.44
2016 3.38.1-3.41
2015 3.36-3.38
2014 3.33-3.35
2013 3.31-3.32
2012 3.28-3.30
2011 3.25-3.27
2010 3.21-3.24.1
2009 3.16-3.20
2008 3.12-3.15.1
2007 3.06-3.11.1
2006 2.16-3.05.02
2005 2.08-2.15
2004 2.0-2.07
2003 1.91-1.92c
2002 First Open Source release

29 October 2011

Password Safe 3.27 for Windows has been released and may be downloaded from here (Disk on Key version, U3 version). This release has a couple of nice new features, as described below, some bug fixes, as well as support for:
Chinese (full), Dutch (partial), French (full), German (full), Korean (partial), Russian (full), Swedish (full), Danish (partial), Polish (partial), and Spanish (full).
(If you're interested in supporting your language, please let me know.)
The Linux Beta version has also been updated to 0.7, and is available for Debian and Ubuntu distributions, as well as in source form.
Thanks to:

New Features for V3.27

3367590 User can now add a database name and description via the Properties diaolg.
3349458 Allow filters to match on rules based on the password's length.
3316779 Shift + "left mouse button 'Double-Click'" now configurable for user. The default is copy the username to the clipboard.
n/a Preferences stored in the database are shown in blue in the Options dialogs.

Changes to Existing Features in V3.27

3406549 Tooltip for System tray (displaying database file path) is now limited to 40 characters (replacing text in the middle with '...' if needed).
3348954 The passphrase is now required to change from read-only to read/write.

Bugs fixed in V3.27

3411210 No longer crashes when unlocking with Subset Password dialog box opened.
3382422 PasswordSafe now displays forms correctly on Netbooks.
3382422 Toolbar now updated to reflect R/W or R-O mode when user dynamically changes mode.
3380714 User can now save database after manually taking a backup.
3380424 System Menu 'X' now closes the Edit/View PropertyPages when the database is in R-O mode or the entry is protected.
n/a Filter image in Status bar is no longer replaced by 'Filter1' after changing preferences via Manage→Options.
n/a Selecting hexadecimal passwords as the database policy no longer causes validation to fail.
n/a Correctly show database has been modified (to allow saving) if database preferences have been changed.

30 June 2011

Password Safe 3.26 has been released and may be downloaded from here (Disk on Key version, U3 version). This release has a couple of nice new features, as described below, some bug fixes, as well as support for:
Chinese (full), Dutch (partial), French (full), German (full), Korean (partial), Russian (full), Swedish (full), Danish (partial), Polish (partial), and Spanish (full).
(If you're interested in supporting your language, please let me know.)

Thanks to:

New Features for V3.26

3288341 Autotype has been added to the DragBar. Drag the image to an input area on another Window (e.g., Browser) and PasswordSafe will begin Autotype from there.
3286721 User can now toggle between read-only and read-write modes via a menu item or by double-clicking on the current R-O or R/W indicator in the Status Bar.
3203152 The displayed language can now be changed via the new Manage->Change Language menu.
3065111 Add/Edit now displays both the Application's (PasswordSafe) and the current database's default Autotype string (if set via Manage->Options).
The user can specify the list of symbols valid for password generation, and can override this for any particular entry (except when EasyVision or Pronounceable passwords are chosen).
Added Autotype code "\s" to send "Shift+Tab" (back tab).
n/a Allow user to control copying of the password to clipboard when performing "Browse to URL" via an option in Options->Security. This is a database option i.e., you can have different setting for different databases.
n/a Support importing of TXT, CSV files and XML exported from KeePass V1 and KeePass V2 XML files. Note that KeePass V2's export in the V1 format is does not conform to their own format as specified by their V1 product and can not be imported. Please review our Help file for the settings in KeePass required during their export.

Changes to Existing Features in V3.26

n/a New image on start-up dialog - courtesy of user Prinz_Eugen.
n/a Polish installation texts added thanks to Michal Niklas.
n/a An entry's password expiry date is set or cleared directly rather than using the Set and Clear buttons after changing values.
n/a The default password generation policy is now for 12 character passwords that include symbol characters (previous default was 8, no symbols).
n/a Unknown database header fields and unknown entry fields are no longer exported when a database is exported to XML as there is no mechanism to re-check them during import. Exporting to XML and then importing to a new database can be used to remove these unknown fields.
n/a Date time fields, when exported to XML, now are in the W3C dateTime standard format instead of PasswordSafe's. This release can import XML files with date time fields in either of these forms. The next release will only be able to process the W3C standard.
n/a Fully support importing of TXT files exported from KeePass V1 including the Group Tree structure, URL and date time fields. Please review the online help for more details.

Bugs fixed in V3.26

3325116 Users can no longer select an entry via the System Tray icon's Recent Entry menu if the display has not been restored after minimize or unlock.
User preference changes are now correctly saved. This includes allowing user to change database preferences when the database is read-only.
3303018 Filters with quotes in their name are now correctly exported, imported and displayed in the Manage Filters dialog.
3301904 Export XML, export Text and the export of filters functions now process file names and paths containing non-Latin characters. In addition, missing directories in the specified path are created as neeeded.
3234204 PasswordSafe no longer exits if the command flag is set to "-s <databasename>".
3088187 The correct entry in List View is now used for Autotype when using the keyboard to select the entry when PasswordSafe first opens.
n/a Controls in Edit are now disabled if entry is protected.
n/a Compare databases now correctly compares the 'Protect' and password policy 'symbols' fields of entries.

18 March 2011

Password Safe 3.25 has been released and may be downloaded from here (Disk on Key version, U3 version). This release has a couple of nice new features, as described below, some bug fixes, as well as support for:
Chinese (full), Dutch (partial), French (full), German (full), Korean (partial), Russian (full), Swedish (full), Danish (partial), Polish (partial), and Spanish (full).
(If you're interested in supporting your language, please let me know.)

Thanks to:

New Features for V3.25

n/a Dutch installation instructions thank to Kees, and a first (incomplete) Dutch translation of the application thank to Bert, Kees and Fred.
n/a Korean texts in the application and installer program thanks to Seunggyun.
n/a Poserpro has provided Traditional Chinese texts for the installer program.
n/a New View menu option: Show entries with Expiry. This is useful for displaying entries with passwords that are expired or about to expire.

Changes to Existing Features in V3.25

The password expiration warning mechanism now checks for expiration daily. The display of expired and almost-expired entries has been redesigned, allowing users to update the entry directly. When an expired password is changed, the expiry date will be cleared unless there is a recurring password expiry interval, in which case a new expiry date will be calculated.
Double-clicking on the system tray icon when PasswordSafe is not minimized now brings it to front, instead of minimizing.
Rename of an entry or group in the Tree View can now only be performed via the Rename shortcut (default value F2), using the Edit menu or the right-click context menu. Edit in place by double clicking the entry is no longer allowed as, most of the time, this was not the desired action.
n/a Filtered views are now updated when an entry's edited, e.g., if an entry is edited such that it no longer satisfies the filter's criteria, it will be removed from the display.
n/a The Russian online help has been totally rewritten and updated, thanks to pm_kan.
n/a pm_kan has updated the Russian texts
n/a The Spanish texts have been updated thanks to Jose.
n/a The Spanish texts have been updated thanks to Jose.
n/a Karlo has updated the German texts.
n/a Francois has updated the French texts.
n/a Bjorne has updated the Swedish version.
n/a freedoctor has updated the Chinese texts.

Bugs fixed in V3.25

Fix new group creation location. When a Group is selected, then selecting 'Add Group' from the Edit menu or from the context menu displayed by right clicking on that Group, the new group will be a child of the selected group. However, when using the context menu displayed on right clicking on 'white space' below the last entry/group displayed, the group will be created at the topmost level.
No longer crashes if search starts with Shift-Enter (search backwards).
Windows installer will now refuse to install on Win2K, referring user to last supported version on that OS (3.18).
3115760 Window view is now saved and restored if the user uses the Windows "Show Desktop" feature.
No longer crashes when doing an Undo after a Merge.
n/a Ensure Undo/Redo honour the changes to the display of the original change.

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