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2010 History

PasswordSafe was originally designed by Bruce Schneier and released as a free utility application. Since then, it has evolved considerably. The following table has links to pages detailing the release history of PasswordSafe since the project was made open source. This can be useful for seeing what features were added and what bugs were fixed since a given release.

Year Releases
2023 3.62-3.64.1
2022 3.59-3.61
2021 3.55-3.58
2020 3.52-3.54.1
2019 3.49-3.51
2018 3.45-3.48
2017 3.42-3.44
2016 3.38.1-3.41
2015 3.36-3.38
2014 3.33-3.35
2013 3.31-3.32
2012 3.28-3.30
2011 3.25-3.27
2010 3.21-3.24.1
2009 3.16-3.20
2008 3.12-3.15.1
2007 3.06-3.11.1
2006 2.16-3.05.02
2005 2.08-2.15
2004 2.0-2.07
2003 1.91-1.92c
2002 First Open Source release

8 December 2010

Password Safe 3.24.1 has been released and may be downloaded from here (Disk on Key version, U3 version). This release has a couple of nice new features, as described below, some bug fixes, as well as support for:
Chinese (full), French (full), German (full), Russian (full), Swedish (full), Danish (partial), Polish (partial), and Spanish (full).

(If you're interested in supporting your language, please let me know.)

Thanks to:

New Features for V3.24.1

3111585 User can now duplicate Groups. Aliases and shortcuts referring to base entries outside this group will still point to their respective bases. Those referring to base entries within the group will then point to the new copy.
3065107 Confirm Delete dialog for an entry now shows the entry's details.
3062854 Advanced Dialog Options settings are saved for a session to allow re-use. The following functions use the this dialog and their settings are saved separately: Merge, Compare, Export to Text, Export to XML, Synchronize and Find Toolbar.
3062809 Add "Add Group" to Toolbar.
3062788 Add "Add New Entry" menu item to additional context menus.
n/a Online help is now available in Spanish, thanks to Jose.

Changes to Existing Features in V3.24.1


Bugs fixed in V3.24.1

Crash in 3.24 fixed.
3121006 Can now change number of databases remembered independently of the value of the number of last used entries remembered in System Tray menu.
3084401 When database is locked, clipboard is cleared and the hotkey works.
3069250 PasswordSafe now remembers the selected entry on Lock After Idle.
3065827 Uninstall fails gracefully when invoked with pwsafe running.
3062850 Dialogs are now correctly closed if open when the workstation locks (with preference "Lock password database on workstation lock" set), enabling the application to be opened again.
3062769 Groups list in Add/Edit dialog box no longer "remembers" groups from previously opened database.
3058043 Hexadecimal password policy now correctly saved.
n/a Spanish translations for installer and application updated - thanks to Jose.

26 July 2010

Password Safe 3.23 has been released and may be downloaded from here (U3 version here). This release has a couple of nice new features, as described below, some bug fixes, as well as support for:
Chinese (full), French (full), German (full), Russian (full), Swedish (full), Danish (partial), Polish (partial), and Spanish (partial).
(If you're interested in supporting your language, please let me know.)

Thanks to:

New Features for V3.23

3022827 Implement 'stealth' mode where, as long as the user specifies both the use of the System Tray and a valid Hot Key, then the System Tray icon and the button on the Taskbar can be hidden.
3017535 Allow user to edit the generated passwords (Manage→Generate Password) before copying to the clipboard.
3011546 "autotype" can now be added to the List View via the Column Picker (right click on column labels).

Changes to Existing Features in V3.23

3026944 Confirm on Delete option has been re-instated.

Bugs fixed in V3.23

3029576 Ensure user specified backup directory ends with a slash.
3028926 Entries modified via Synchronize are now displayed correctly if the user checks the preference "Highlight changed entries" via Options->Display.
3016803 No longer crashes when trying to view a base entry with similarly named aliases.
3013199 PasswordSafe no longer hangs when trying to read preferences stored in registry by older versions.
3011972 By adding more checking when creating the menus for Recent Entries off the System Tray menu, prevent crashing when clicking on the icon.
3010926 Can now set a non-recurring expiry date using the calendar during Add/Edit.
Fixed crash when locked and the user right-clicks the System Tray icon.
3009130 Changes to an entry's password policy are now saved upon OK or Apply.
3008203 The password expiration date is now automatically updated when a "recurring" password expiration is set and the password is changed.
3006125 Selected entry/group before database is locked or minimized, including when Windows goes into Standby/Hibernate is now re-selected when the database is later displayed.
3006069 Autotype now works correctly when the user specifies that PasswordSafe should minimize after Autotype and has also set that the database should be locked on minimize.
2957038 Cursor no longer disappears when PasswordSafe thinks that the user is dragging an entry but then doesn't.
n/a The Save Toolbar button and the Save menu item are now correctly enabled if the user changes preferences saved in the database.

23 May 2010

Password Safe 3.22 has been released and may be downloaded from here (U3 version here). This release has a couple of nice new features, as described below, some bug fixes, as well as support for:
Danish (full), French (full), German (full), Swedish (full), Russian (full), Chinese (partial), Polish (partial), and Spanish (partial).
(If you're interested in supporting your language, please let me know.)
Thanks to Rejmond, Karlo, Bjorn, pm_kan, freedoctor and Francois for their translation efforts and feedback on this release.
Many thanks to DK for his work and patience, and of course thanks to all the users who provide feedback, bug reports, suggestions and the occasional donation...

New Features for 3.22
Changes to Existing Features in 3.22

Bugs fixed in 3.22

14 February 2010

Password Safe 3.21 has been released and may be downloaded from here (U3 version here). This release has a couple of nice new features, as described below, some bug fixes, as well as support for French (full), German (full), Swedish (full), Russian (full), Chinese (partial), Polish (partial), and Spanish (partial). If you're interested in supporting your language, please let me know. Thanks to Karlo, Bjorn, pm_kan, freedoctor and Francois for their translation efforts and feedback on this release. Many thanks to DK for his work and patience, and of course thanks to all the users who provide feedback, bug reports, suggestions and the occasional donation...

New Features for 3.21
Changes to Existing Features in 3.21
Bugs fixed in 3.21

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