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2008 History

PasswordSafe was originally designed by Bruce Schneier and released as a free utility application. Since then, it has evolved considerably. The following table has links to pages detailing the release history of PasswordSafe since the project was made open source. This can be useful for seeing what features were added and what bugs were fixed since a given release.

Year Releases
2023 3.62-3.64.1
2022 3.59-3.61
2021 3.55-3.58
2020 3.52-3.54.1
2019 3.49-3.51
2018 3.45-3.48
2017 3.42-3.44
2016 3.38.1-3.41
2015 3.36-3.38
2014 3.33-3.35
2013 3.31-3.32
2012 3.28-3.30
2011 3.25-3.27
2010 3.21-3.24.1
2009 3.16-3.20
2008 3.12-3.15.1
2007 3.06-3.11.1
2006 2.16-3.05.02
2005 2.08-2.15
2004 2.0-2.07
2003 1.91-1.92c
2002 First Open Source release

15 December 2008

Password Safe 3.15.1 has been released and may be downloaded from here (U3 version here). This is a minor release - some annoying bugs have been fixed, some features have been added or improved upon. 
Thanks to DK for his work on this, and to all the folks who reported bugs and tested the Beta version of this release.

In addition to this release, we're releasing a version 3.15Y of PasswordSafe that supports the YubiKey authentication token. More details here.

Bugs fixed in 3.15.1
Bugs fixed in 3.15
New Features for 3.15

YubiKey Authentication Support
YubiKey is a USB authentication device that sends a different authentication key each time it's activated. This provides a convenient alternative to constantly typing in a passphrase for heavy users of PasswordSafe. To use, just "associate" your YubiKey with your PasswordSafe datasbase, using the new Manage->YubiKey dialog. For more details, please refer to the online help.
Currently, support for this device is implemented in a separate PasswordSafe package, 3.15Y. Your feedback will determine if and how this will be merged into the main product.

31 August 2008

Password Safe 3.14 has been released and may be downloaded from here (U3 version here). This is a minor release - some annoying bugs have been fixed, some features have been added or improved upon. Thanks to DK, Norman and Garrett for their work on this release, and to all the folks who reported bugs and tested the pre-release versions.

Bugs fixed in 3.14
Changes to Existing Features in 3.14
New Features for 3.14

2 May 2008

Password Safe 3.13 has been released and may be downloaded from here (U3 version here). This is a minor release - some annoying bugs have been fixed, some minor features have been added or improved upon. Thanks to DK his work on this release, and to all the folks who reported bugs and tested pre-release versions.

Bugs fixed in 3.13
Changes to existing features in 3.13
New features in 3.13

22 February 2008

Password Safe 3.12 has been released and may be downloaded from here (U3 version here). This is a minor release - some annoying bugs have been fixed, some minor features have been added or improved upon. Thanks to DK his work on this release, and to all the folks who reported bugs and tested pre-release versions.

Bugs fixed in 3.12
Changes to existing features in 3.12
New features in 3.12

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